Greetings! My First Blog Post
Hi everyone and welcome to my blog: A TOOTH GERM.
I intended to start writing in this blog almost a year ago but the small matter of final examinations for my BDS got in the way.
Anyway, I have finally made the first baby step by writing this, my very first blog post!
So let me introduce myself. My name is Natalie, I am 23 and I am a newly qualified dentist due to start my foundation year in London from the beginning of September. I am interested in keeping up to date with current affairs in dentistry, as well as health and fitness trends and literature. I also enjoy painting and drawing and hopefully I can broadcast some of the work I have produced as well as providing some handy tips for those wanting to develop their artistic skills.
I hope you all enjoy reading some of my posts and I welcome any comments or feedback, I am a newbie blogger so please be a little forgiving!
I am also an active tweeter @natb990 and also use Instagram by the same name. I can also be found on Facebook and Linked in.
Thanks for your time!
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